Fathers of T&A
It’s the one day in the year to celebrate and honour being a father, and for many, they do not require much more than a day with their feet up and their family around them. And for us to laugh at a bad joke or two, of course. We have spoken to some of the fathers here at Turnbull & Asser on their experience of Father's Day and what gifts they would recommend.
What does your typical Father's Day consist of, and what are you hoping for?
Mr. Michael Searle, Jermyn Street Store general manager and father of Daisy (13) and Poppy (11) tells us he receives ‘aftershave, usually a bottle of Boss. And quite frequently the ‘Best Dad in the World’ mug! This year, however, I have got my eye on a new fishing reel.’ As for something to do on the day, most of the time it’s about relaxing and spending it together. ‘We would most probably go out for a late lunch, usually Italian.’ Mr. Searle says.
Ecommerce manager Mr. Mark Ledgard, is no stranger to a World’s Best Dad mug from his 4 year-old son Thomas, ‘and numerous things he has created in nursery. This year I am hoping for a happy child when he wakes up on the day (not a grump) and a big hug.’
‘It’s going to be Taylor’s first Father’s Day… I am intrigued!’ says menswear designer Mr. Shaun Gordon, whose son Taylor is ten months old. ‘I’d just like some quality time with the family.’
What would you like to pass on to your children?
Being a father can come with its quirks and challenges as Mr. Searle points out: getting his children to hang up their clothes and clean their shoes is a working process. It is of course, on the other hand, very rewarding. We asked our T&A fathers what they hoped to pass on to their children. ‘One thing I learnt and try to instil in my children is that family is important. As too are manners. Treat people as you would like to be treated, says Mr. Searle. ‘Essentially, I would like to show them that what you put in can be a pretty good indicator as to what you get out of something. I want them to know that they are loved, and that they can rely on their family, no matter what. Being there when they need you - and being able to let them do their own thing as well.’
Mr. Ledgard hopes he teaches Thomas to ‘not stress about little things and to retain a sense of humour no matter how difficult the situation. I haven’t mastered the T&A tie knot, but I do know the Turnbull Rose pocket square trick – so I will try to teach him that. He may not be a pocket square person, though!’
‘I learnt from my mother to always respect your elders and I think it is important quality, that is somewhat lacking today.’ says Mr. Gordon, which is something he would like to pass on to his son. As a designer, he hopes to also teach his son a thing or two about style. ‘I think the way I wear my clothes will teach my son on how to dress in a sartorial manner. As quoted: A picture is worth ten thousand words' - Fred R. Barnard, 1927.’
What would be your perfect gift recommendations?
‘I know it’s cliché, but it is out there for a reason – socks,' says Mr. Searle. 'We have a fantastic sock offer. Whether it’s replenishing the staple navy, black and burgundy or something a bit more colourful, a clutch of socks from T&A will always be a welcomed gift.’

‘Other than that, a new tie and / or pocket square would be well-received and maybe shows a little more personality.’ We have a wide range of pocket squares and ties which are made from 100% silk and tend to be our storytellers. ‘A great gift would be our navy grenadine tie,’ says Mr. Ledgard. ‘It is perfect for nearly all occasions and can be worn with a variety of different shirt / suit combinations. Every man needs a versatile navy tie in their wardrobe as a no-fuss, go-to option.’

Mr. Shaun Gordon recommends the sterling silver collar stays for the dad who still wears a formal shirt on occasion. If you are looking to gift him something truly luxury and personal, we would recommend Turnbull & Asser’s personalised cufflinks. In our best-selling mother of pearl button, you can now have up to three initials personalised on the back, making these a true keepsake.