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The Gentleman Spies by Mr. Andrew Mashanov

Posted 24.02.18  - Style

Mr. Andrew Mashanov is a Moscow-based illustrator and art director whose work revolves around portraiture, people and men’s fashion. In his latest series on the silver screen Gentleman Spy, he focuses on the outfits that make the man, and namely, the shirts they wore.

First up is arguably the most famous of them all. With martinis shaken–not stirred–and a penchant for style, women and the Monarchy, Mr. Mashanov introduces Mr. Bond – portrayed by none other than Sir Sean Connery in 1962.

“The Spy who actually started the whole idea of adding glamour and action into the Secret Service,” states Mr. Mashanov. “Timeless in black tie, his outfit is complemented with a crisp white pleated dress shirt and black bow tie by Turnbull & Asser.” Turnbull & Asser had the honour of creating shirts for Sir Sean Connery’s inaugural turn as 007, creating the now infamous cocktail cuff.

Next up, Mr. Mashanov focuses on the understated style of Sir Michael Caine, who played Mr. Harry Palmer in The IPCRESS File. “He brought a completely different view on the image of a spy. Some might say, more close to the real life prototypes you’d see.” Regarding the style choice, Mr. Mashanov continues, “A beige mac and grey flannels are an absolute classic; I decided to dress him in an ecru shirt and brown grenadine tie from Turnbull & Asser.” Although Turnbull & Asser didn’t dress Sir Michael Caine in The IPCRESS File specifically, we provided shirts for two other characters he played – Mr. Jack Carter in Get Carter as well as the bona fide heartbreaker, Alfie.

Last, but certainly not least, Mr. Mashanov pays homage to Kingsman, the Savile Row tailors moonlighting as British Spies. Not many exude the sartorial swagger associated with the Kingsman agents quite like Mr. Harry Hart. Known to a select few as Agent Galahad, and to many as Mr. Colin Firth.

“Manners Maketh Man. This motto perfectly sums up Mr. Hart. Resoluteness and masculinity are well-covered with gentle manners and a perfectly tailored suit. I’ve styled him in a signature pinstripe DB suit, with a pale blue regimental collar shirt and white silk pocket square by Turnbull & Asser.” You can purchase the shirts we created for Kingsman as part of the eponymous collection on Mr. Porter.

See more of Mr. Mashanov’s work on Behance and Instagram.

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